

Calgary, Alberta

2016 Alberta Climate Summit

Mapping the pathway to Alberta’s low-carbon future

Sep. 20, 2016 12:00am

The Pembina Institute hosted its second Alberta Climate Summit against the backdrop of vibrant change in the energy sector provincially, nationally and internationally. This year's event brought together a wide range of stakeholders to showcase best practices and engage in discussion on crucial issues including methane, energy efficiency, and renewables (both utility-scale and community-scale).

Please scroll through the agenda below to find links to presentations by our speakers.

2016 Alberta Climate Summit

Watch the videos



Welcome — Ed Whittingham, Pembina Institute

Presenting sponsor welcome — Brian Vaasjo, Capital Power

Honourable Shannon Phillips, Minister of Environment and Parks

First Nations and the CLP — Eriel Deranger, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation

Fireside chat: What is the role of fossil fuels in a 2050 carbon constrained world?
Ed Whittingham, Pembina Institute
David Hone, Shell
Tom Rand, ArcTern Ventures

How fast is our climate changing? — John Stone, IPCC author

Strategies for a low carbon world: How are firms responding to increasing carbon constraints, and how are they bringing their investors along with them?
Bernice Lee, Chatham House
Jean-Michel Gires, Influences Innovations
Gandeephan Ganeshalingam, GE

Methane reduction as a case study: The imperative, international trends, the business opportunity and Alberta’s influence. — Mark Brownstein, Environmental Defense Fund


International trends for coal: How are leading jurisdictions phasing out coal in a manner that addresses the health, environmental, and economic implications of the technology?Taylor Kuykendall

Breakout Session 1: Methane regulatory design

How are leading jurisdictions implementing policy and technological solutions to reduce methane emissions? And what benefits are they seeing from their efforts?
Mark Taylor, Alberta Energy Regulator
Mark Brownstein, Environmental Defense Fund
Dan Scheitrum, University of California, Davis
Jackson Hegland, Modern West Advisory

Breakout Session 2: Energy efficiency

What steps are leading jurisdictions taking to maximize the full emission reduction and job creation benefits of energy efficiency programming and who has a role to play?
Stephen MacDonald, Efficiency One
Brett Lichtenthaler, CLEAResult
Philippe Dunsky, Dunsky Energy Consulting
Elizabeth McDonald, Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance

Breakout Session 3: Utility scale renewables

What steps are leading jurisdictions taking to ensure they see the economic and environmental benefits of renewable targets?
Chris Nelder, Rocky Mountain Institute
Doyle Beneby, New Generation Power
Eric Gimon, independent consultant
Dale Friesen, Canadian Utilities (An ATCO Company)

Breakout Session 4: Community-owned renewables

How can distributed generation be incentivized and supported in a deregulated market?
Chip Olver, Town of Banff
Melina Laboucan-Massimo, member of Lubicon Cree First Nation
David Berliner, CoPower
Kieran Coleman, Rocky Mountain Institute

What can we expect from COP 22 in Marrakesh? — David Runnalls, Sustainable Prosperity


Presenting sponsor

Capital Power

Workshop sponsors

Strategies for a Low-carbon World

Gold sponsors


NextEra Canada

Silver sponsors

Calgary Foundation 


Bronze sponsor


Greengate Power

Brookfield Residential Properties

ConocoPhillips Canada




Spark Event Management

Supported by

Consul General of the United States - Calgary

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