Two thirds of Albertans support reaching net-zero emissions by 2050

Polling reveals 68 per cent support strong climate action

January 15, 2021
Media Release
Edmonton skyline with Legislature

Photo: Roberta Franchuk, Pembina Institute

CALGARY — Recent polling shows that more than two thirds (68 per cent) of Albertans support the goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The findings come from a poll of 900 Albertans, conducted last month by Calgary-based Janet Brown Opinion Research and commissioned by the Pembina Institute.

The poll found that 63 per cent of Albertans think efforts by the government of Alberta have not been effective in enhancing the reputation of Alberta's oil and gas industry outside the province, and 61 per cent believe that the government must engage in dialogue and find ways to work co-operatively with environmental advocates to improve the province’s environmental performance.

Respondents to the phone survey were asked about their perceptions of energy and climate policy, the role of the oil and gas industry in the province, and their expectations for future climate action.


"These results reveal that Albertans expect a much stronger focus on climate action than is being offered. It’s clear that Albertans take climate action seriously and recognize it’s important for Alberta’s future prosperity. They want their government to take the steps needed to decarbonize heavy industry, which would unlock major capital investment. This means creating stable, forward-looking climate policy that aligns with Canada’s federal government targets and the targets of more than 100 other countries, now representing more than 70 per cent of global emissions. These results also show that Albertans would prefer more collaboration and dialogue between government, industry and diverse stakeholders to advance economic diversification and technological innovation that can also accelerate necessary improvements in environmental performance." Chris Severson-Baker, Alberta director, Pembina Institute



Jill Sawyer
Senior Communications Lead, Pembina Institute


Report: Polling results

Report: Survey data tables

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