NWT Energy Action Plan lacking Indigenous focus

GNWT should increase support for Indigenous led energy projects

Renewable energy project in Canada's Arctic

Photo: Green Sun Rising

YELLOWKNIFE — Dave Lovekin, Program Director for Renewables in Remote Communities at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) release of the 2022 to 2025 Energy Action Plan.

“It was encouraging to see direction from the GNWT to support the development of independent power projects, including the announcement of an update to the Renewable Electricity Participation model for diesel communities and a possible community power producer policy; this would remove some of the barriers that currently stymie Indigenous-led clean energy projects.

“However, it was unclear if meaningful input on these initiatives was sought from Indigenous governments and communities, which make up the majority of the communities in the NWT.

“We would like to see more clarity on how the prioritization of initiatives and decisions were made. GNWT plans and strategies must be aligned with priorities that are community driven and determined; building the capacity and funding communities need to pursue an independent clean energy future.

“We encourage the GNWT to increase focus and prioritize engagement and partnerships with Indigenous governments, organizations and communities. This is the only way to effectively increase funding for projects that build capacity and reduce barriers for Indigenous-owned and -led clean energy projects that will contribute to getting communities off diesel and reduce emissions in the territories.”



Karen Garth
Senior Communications Lead, Pembina Institute


Publication: Recommendations on energy policy in the NWT
Blog: Remote communities transitioning to clean energy need better housing
Blog: How remote communities should be included in the push to electrify transportation

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