Canada must act to deliver on climate aspirations

Pembina Institute calls for more aggressive implementation of policies and technologies to meet 2030 emissions reduction needs

April 22, 2021
Media Release
Canada and U.S. flags

Photo: Pembina Institute

VANCOUVER  — LINDA COADY, executive director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement today at U.S. President Joe Biden’s Climate Summit:

“We are pleased to see Canada raise its climate ambition in its announcement today at the Biden Climate Summit of an increased target for GHG emissions reduction by 2030. Canada is not alone in recognizing the imperative to do so. The U.S., U.K., Europe, Japan, Korea and other industrialized countries are also increasing their emissions reduction goals while recognizing the need to finance climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience in emerging economies.

“It is also encouraging to hear U.S. Climate Ambassador John Kerry, and other world leaders, recognize that today’s summit only represents the beginning of the level of commitment necessary to address climate change, and more needs to be done between now and the UN Climate Summit (COP26) later this year in Glasgow.

“Moving forward, Canada needs a comprehensive and credible plan for action that can match our increased ambition and drive deep decarbonization across our country. To be successful, a climate action plan must create jobs and attract investment in ways that are equitable and inclusive as we transition to a net-zero economy.

“Canadian provinces have demonstrated leadership in phasing out coal-powered electricity, and our electrical grid is already 80 per cent non-emitting. Building on this advantage, Canada can create local economic benefits while strengthening our position with investors domestically and internationally by doing more to reduce methane emissions, expand clean electrification, roll out energy efficient building retrofits, boost production of zero-emissions vehicles, and embrace other climate solutions.

“A continued increase in the price of carbon, rapid implementation of proposed policies and regulations, such as the climate accountability legislation currently before the House of Commons (Bill C-12) and the Clean Fuel Standard, will allow the federal government to work more effectively with the provinces, territories and Indigenous leaders — and with business and civil society —  to ensure we have the infrastructure and tools necessary to deliver on our climate commitments and aspirations. More aggressive use of these types of mechanisms and zero-emissions technologies will help enable Canada to attend the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow in November with a climate strategy capable of addressing the need to reduce our fair share of global emissions.”



Victoria Foote
Senior manager strategic communications, Pembina Institute


Blog: Canada’s National Inventory Report shows a plateau in carbon pollution. That’s not good enough
Report: How to Get Net-Zero Right
Issue Paper: Does Canada’s Net-Zero Math Add Up?

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The Pembina Institute is a non-profit think-tank that advocates for strong, effective policies to support Canada’s clean energy transition. We have offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and Toronto. Learn more:

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