40 companies ask B.C. premier to capitalize on clean economic opportunity

Corporate leaders sign open letter, launch Business Coalition for a Clean Economy

Carbon Engineering, which operates a pilot plant in Squamish, is one of 40 companies asking the B.C. government to prioritize investments in the clean economy. Photo: Stephen Hui, Pembina Institute

VANCOUVER / MUSQUEAM, SQUAMISH & TSLEIL-WAUTUTH TERRITORIES — Forty leaders in British Columbia’s corporate sector are calling on Premier John Horgan to keep B.C. at the forefront of climate action and clean economic growth.

In a new open letter, the businesses say B.C. has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create jobs, encourage innovation, build healthy and safe communities, and reduce waste.

Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, Hootsuite, Nature’s Path Foods, Vancouver Film Studios, MEC, Persephone Brewing, Modo Co-operative, Carbon Engineering, and Earnest Ice Cream are among the companies endorsing the letter. The diverse signatories represent the brewing, clothing, construction, cosmetics, energy, film and television, food, financial, investment, manufacturing, outdoor recreation, technology, transportation, and other industries.

Today’s release of the letter coincides with the launch of the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy, a network of 40 companies that believe building a clean economy, powered by renewable energy, is key to ensuring B.C.’s future prosperity in a rapidly changing world.

Arc’teryx, Climate Smart Businesses, Innergex Renewable Energy, the Insurance Bureau of Canada, and Vancity are the founders of the Business Coalition, which is supported by the Pembina Institute.

The Business Coalition is inviting more companies operating in B.C. to join the network.

Quick facts

  • The Business Coalition for a Clean Economy’s 40 member companies earn more than $3.4 billion in combined annual revenues.
  • These companies employ more than 11,000 workers.


“The climate and energy challenge will not be solved by any single solution, company, or government in isolation. We are going to need collaboration across industries, sectors, and geographies if we hope to make a real difference to climate change and provide a bright and prosperous future for the next generation. As a B.C. company pioneering the commercialization of clean energy technologies, we are delighted to join the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy and look forward to contributing to a shared voice for climate action.”
— Steve Oldham, CEO, Carbon Engineering

“For the last 10 years, Climate Smart has had the privilege of working with close to 1,000 businesses to better understand and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. From our perspective, we see that businesses are key partners in building a clean economy and accelerating innovation. The Business Coalition for a Clean Economy is giving Climate Smart businesses a policy voice and another channel to share the business case for reducing carbon emissions.”
— Elizabeth Sheehan, cofounder and president, Climate Smart Businesses

“Hootsuite is pleased to join the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy. Climate action is important to our employees and we are committed to supporting the communities we live and work in, including advocating for a clean economy.”
— Heidi Rolston, vice president for learning, community, diversity, and inclusion, Hootsuite

“Innergex Renewable Energy is proud to be a founding member of the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy. Our mission to produce 100 per cent renewable energy has always been driven by the belief that we can achieve a more sustainable economy today without jeopardizing the needs of future generations. Our almost 30 years in the renewable energy sector has shown us that embedding the health of our communities and natural environment into economic development not only facilitates growth, but is the way to a more sustainable future. The Business Coalition is a forum for likeminded businesses to come together in support of one another and, working with government, take meaningful steps to address climate change and shape the economy of tomorrow.”
— Colleen Giroux-Schmidt, vice president for corporate relations, Innergex Renewable Energy

“Climate change is a clear and present danger that costs Canadians more than $1 billion in insured damages each and every year, due to storms, floods, and wildfires. Clearly, much more must be done to mitigate and adapt to the new weather reality that we face. The Insurance Bureau of Canada is pleased to be a founder of the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy, and to work with like-minded business to seek solutions to this challenge through sound climate and energy policy.”
— Aaron Sutherland, vice president for the Pacific region, Insurance Bureau of Canada

“We share this planet. The effects of climate change impact all of us as individuals, businesses, and communities. Whether prolonged droughts effect the food on our tables or the raw ingredients in our supply chain, we all have a responsibility to lead the transition toward a clean economy.”
— Katrina Shum, sustainability manager for North America, Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

“At Nature’s Path, we see firsthand the impact of droughts and severe weather changes caused by climate change to family farms and how we source our organic ingredients. We are excited today to join other B.C. businesses as a force of good to advocate for climate change solutions and bring positive change to our planet.”
— Jyoti Stephens, vice president for mission and strategy, Nature’s Path Foods

“B.C. is a hub for sustainable innovation, social responsibility, and climate solutions, and businesses are key to B.C.’s success on these fronts. From beer to buildings, film to finance, and cosmetics to concrete, the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy brings together an incredible diversity of B.C. businesses to champion climate leadership and the transition to a cleaner economy.”
— Karen Tam Wu, B.C. director, Pembina Institute

“Persephone is excited to join the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy because legislators need pressure from the private sector to enact policies that will protect our planet and communities from the worst impacts of climate change. Our influence is greater when we speak with one voice. Being a farm-based brewery, making an agricultural product, the changing climate will have a direct impact on our B.C.-based supply chain.”
— Jenn Vervier, CEO, Persephone Brewing

“We see climate change as a threat to the health and well-being of our communities, so we’re doing everything we can to show leadership in environmental sustainability. The Business Coalition is shaping a vision of a sustainable economy powered by clean energy. We encourage other businesses to join us in creating a brighter future for everyone in our province.”
— Christine Bergeron, chief member services officer, Vancity

“The film and television industry has grown rapidly to become a major part of our economy in B.C. — this has led to an increased use of resources and greater impact on the environment. It’s important and exciting for Vancouver Film Studios to join like-minded companies in the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy and work together towards a sustainable future. Lights, camera, climate action!”
— Pete Mitchell, president and CEO, Vancouver Film Studios

To see what other business leaders are saying about the Business Coalition, read the media backgrounder, which follows.


Watch a video about the Business Coalition: pembina.org/BCCE

Download the open letter and media backgrounder: pembina.org/pub/bcce-letter

Join the conversation on Twitter: #CleanBCBiz


Stephen Hui
Senior communications lead, Pembina Institute
Tw: @StephenHui

About the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy

The Business Coalition for a Clean Economy (BCCE) is a network of leading B.C. businesses and organizations aligned behind a vision for a clean and prosperous economy and climate action. We believe that strong climate and energy policy provides certainty and is good for business. Learn more: pembina.org/BCCE

Media backgrounder

What business leaders are saying about the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy

Benjamin Ernst, co-owner, Earnest Ice Cream:

“For me, climate action feels urgent; I feel a responsibility to my family and my community to do all that I can. That means I’m committed to a transition in my own operations, but also want to work in collaboration with other businesses. We all need to work together and support the systemic changes that will make a clean economy possible.”

George Nickel, director of business development, Innotech Windows + Doors:

“As a manufacturer of building materials, we have a due diligence to ensure our products contribute to a sustainable future. Innotech Windows + Doors looks forward to working with leading B.C.-based businesses to positively impact our built environment and drive economic growth.”

Patrick Nangle, CEO, Modo Co-operative:

“With a goal to reduce traffic congestion, GHG emissions, and the use of land for parking, Modo’s purpose is rooted in sustainability. We believe that strong climate and energy policies make good sense for business, for communities, and for our future. We’re pleased to join the coalition and add our voice to climate leadership in B.C.”

Shaun Mayhew, sales and marketing manager, Penfolds Roofing & Solar:

“At Penfolds Roofing & Solar, we believe that we are on the road to a cleaner future powered by renewable energy. Our customers are harnessing the energy of the sun to power their homes, businesses, and transportation. The technology is available for us to make a transformational change, and the time to do that is now.”

Julie Strilesky, director of government affairs, Portable Electric:

“Joining this coalition is important because we know that clean technology is the future and that science is telling us that we need to take more action. Clean tech not only protects the planet and human health, but also creates a more efficient economy. We look forward to making tangible progress as part of a thriving team.”

Joel Solomon, cofounding partner, Renewal Funds:

“We stand proudly with Canadian business for urging strong climate action and shifts towards clean economy investment. B.C. is already a global leader and we support our province to continue bold leadership. The facts are being ignored. Future generations will hold us accountable. ‘We knew. But we took too little action.’ That’s not a quote we can let happen. Robust wealth and economic activity result from strong climate and clean economy action. It’s the central responsibility for business leadership of these times.”

Mickey McLeod, cofounder and CEO, Salt Spring Coffee:

“I have always been a believer in the power of business doing good. Working together with like-minded businesses for a clean economy and climate action is a natural step for more impact. Salt Spring Coffee is looking forward to being part of the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy.”

Chris Arkell, cofounder, Sea to Sky Removal:

“Sea to Sky Removal grew out of our vision for a better world. Our company was founded on the principal that business can do good, drive change, and ultimately help save the world. We saw a problem, construction waste, and decided that we could change it. We understand that it’s much more than diverting construction waste; it’s a cultural shift, one that requires companies to get loud about their performance. The Business Coalition for a Clean Economy is a community of leaders like us, who will work together to drive a movement of using the power of business as a force for good, resulting in a positive impact for their employees, communities, and the environment.”

Sean McStay, national sales manager, SIGA:

“SIGA has a vision of a world of zero-energy-loss buildings. We are proud to join the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy, which, together with a like-minded group of businesses, is working to create and implement effective climate policies.”

Eleanor O’Connor, president of production, Sim:

“As a supplier of studios, production equipment, and postproduction services in Vancouver and across North America, Sim is committed to supporting the communities where our employees, clients, and partners live and work. In addition to partnering with Creative BC to implement sustainable programs impacting the television and film communities in Vancouver, Sim is excited to join the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy to further our mission in reconfiguring our collective carbon footprint.”

Cedric Dauchot, co-owner and brewing engineer, Townsite Brewing:

“Townsite Brewing is quite excited to be part of the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy. Being located in a beautiful remote area, it feels natural for us to try to have the least impact on our environment. It is important for us to show that small businesses have their part to do and call on the government to lead on climate action towards a clean economy.”

Melissa Orozco, founder and chief impact strategist, Yulu PR:

“As an Impact Relations agency and B Corp, Yulu’s daily work involves developing impact-driven communications strategies for corporations looking to scale their social or environmental impact. Stakeholder engagement strategies and cross-sector strategic partnerships have proven to be extremely effective in not only advancing our clients’ objectives, but also advancing entire industries. We know the power and influence business alliances can have on tackling some of the world’s greatest issues, and the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy is one which will tackle the greatest issue of all — the climate crisis. This alliance is important for not only safeguarding our planet from the climate crisis, but also our businesses, industries, and the Canadian economy.”

Daniel Terry, president, Denman Island Chocolate:

“The Business Coalition for a Clean Economy is an idea whose time has come. Unless we act on climate change and take steps toward a clean economy, there will be no business, no jobs, no infrastructure, no culture. By protecting the environment, we can assure the future of an environment that we can continue to live and prosper in.”

Business Coalition for a Clean Economy

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