B.C. voters show appetite for change

Climate action now

May 16, 2017
Published in The Province (May 16, 2017)

The B.C. election’s televised party leaders’ debate took place on April 26, 2017. Photo: YouTube

Through the election results British Columbians have clearly shown an appetite for change. Voters have handed the major parties a golden chance to work together to re-establish B.C.’s leadership on clean growth and climate action.

It’s significant that the NDP and Greens won around 57 per cent of the popular vote combined. Both parties promised to reverse the trend of inadequate climate policies we saw under the B.C. Liberals.

B.C. is guaranteed to miss its legislated 2020 target for reducing carbon pollution and is far off-track to meeting its 2050 target. So it’s positive both that the NDP and Greens have committed to adopting the Climate Leadership Team’s recommended 2030 target. The election results represent an opportunity to get back on track.

The next government has the chance to build a B.C. that remains competitive as the world transitions to a clean economy, stand-up for affordability and ensure prosperity for all British Columbians.

Josha MacNab, Pembina Institute, Vancouver


This letter to the editor appeared on page A14 of the Province on May 16, 2017.