Pembina reacts to Energy Efficiency Alberta announcement

Photo courtesy U.S. Dept. of Energy

Calgary — Julia-Maria Becker, Senior Analyst, Clean Economy at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Government of Alberta announcement that it will launch three energy efficiency programs in 2017:


“Before today’s announcement, Alberta was the only jurisdiction in North America without any programs in support of energy efficiency. Using energy more efficiently will mean savings on energy costs and protection against future volatile energy prices for Albertans. It will also foster new jobs and measurable progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


“Recent research from energy efficiency firm Dunsky Energy Consulting, shows that Alberta’s transition to efficiency alternatives could deliver $510 million in annual energy savings, trigger a $550 million annual GDP increase, create 3,000 jobs and reduce emissions equivalent to taking 900,000 cars off the road.


“Getting started with these programs is so important to make sure we all benefit from the carbon levy and Alberta’s transition to a clean economy.”




Suzy Thompson
Communications Lead, Alberta, Pembina Institute

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