
Private Conference

Mississauga, ON

On the road to freight excellence

Collaborating on sustainable urban goods movement

Private Conference
Nov. 15, 2017 11:00pm

The Pembina Institute is convening leaders to envision a path towards excellence and efficiency in urban goods transportation. As a leader in advancing the transition to a clean energy future, we are committed to helping move people and goods in clean, smart and efficient ways.

This invitation-only freight Thought Leader Forum will convene industry and business leaders, local, regional, provincial and federal policymakers and planners, academics and non-governmental experts.

Together we will work to:

  1. Understand the current state and emerging trends in urban sustainable goods movement
  2. Identify key areas for additional research
  3. Identify opportunities to collaborate on this research to achieve excellence in a carbon constrained environment


8:30-9:00 Light breakfast and registration

9:00 Welcome — Glen Murray, executive director, Pembina Institute

Opening remarks — Dianne Zimmerman, policy director, transportation and urban solutions, Pembina Institute

9:30 Emerging policies and opportunities for change: Presentations on initiatives around freight efficiency

Jenifer Johnston, policy advisor, Natural Resources Canada
Amanda Napoli, planner, Ministry of Transportation
Jin Wang, team leader, Ministry of Transportation
Louis-Philippe Gagné, senior policy advisor, Transport Canada
Moderator: Dr. Matthew Roorda, professor, civil engineering, University of Toronto

10:30 Break

10:45 Emerging technologies and research in freight: Presentations on emerging technologies
Jan Michaelsen, research leader, FP Innovations
Louis Thériault, vice president, Conference Board of Canada
Dave Schaller, industry engagement director, North American Council for Freight Efficiency
Darren Reynolds, manager, corporate development, CN
Moderator: Lisa Stilborn, vice president, Ontario Division, Canadian Fuels Association

11:45 Lunch

12:30-12:45 Collaboration is the future of freight: An overview of the upcoming Smart Freight Centre

Sabbir Saiyed, Ph.D., Strategist (A), Infrastructure Planning and Design, Transportation Division, Region of Peel

12:45-1:00 Challenges and solutions in the freight landscape

Natasha Apollonova, associate vice president, policy, Toronto Region Board of Trade

1:00-2:10 The current state of freight: 1st breakout session

In this breakout session, in small groups participants will talk through what’s working well and current trends in the freight sector.

2:10-2:30 Networking break

2:30-3:30 The future state of freight: 2nd breakout session

In this breakout session, participants will think about where we want the freight sector to go, and how we can get there. This session will help identify research gaps, potential collaborations, and solutions to pursue.

3:30-3:50 Networking break

3:50-4:15 Report back from breakout sessions and discussion

4:15-4:30 Wrap up and closing remarks

4:30 Reception and Ontario Trillium Foundation recognition event


Presenting funder:

Trillium Foundation

An agency of the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is one of Canada’s largest granting foundations. With a budget of over $136 million, OTF awards grants to some 1,000 projects every year to build healthy and vibrant Ontario communities.

Other funders:

Canadian fuels

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