
Public Multistakeholder dialogue


#BCClimateChat on Twitter

Join the conversation about B.C.'s climate plan

Public Multistakeholder dialogue
May. 18, 2016 12:00am

When: Wednesday, May 18, 2016
12 p.m. – 1 p.m. (PDT)

Host: @Pembina

Panellists: Climate Leadership Team members @HorneMatt and @merransmith

Moderator: @StephenHui

Hashtag: #BCClimateChat

Tweet your #BCClimateChat questions to @Pembina

Twitter chat recap: #BCClimateChat on Storify 

Media advisory: #BCClimateChat comes to Twitter

The B.C. government is expected to release its new climate plan later this spring. Meanwhile, the province's carbon pollution is projected to increase by 32% by 2030 unless the government implements ambitious new policies.

Last fall, the province's Climate Leadership Team laid out a blueprint for a plan to get B.C. on track to meeting its 2050 emissions targets. The team's 32 recommendations include positive steps such as increasing the carbon tax by $10 per year starting in 2018 (with targeted support for emissions intensive, trade exposed sectors as well as low income, northern, and rural residents), reducing methane emissions from the natural gas sector, powering the electricity grid with 100% renewable energy, setting greener building standards, and transitioning to zero-emission vehicles.

Further reading

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