Kamloops needs to retrofit homes to reduce carbon pollutionInfographic shows scale of retrofits required to become a zero-carbon community by 2050

Publication - Feb. 23, 2021 - By Betsy Agar, Roberta Franchuk

The City of Kamloops aims to be a zero-carbon community by 2050.

To achieve this goal, the Pembina Institute estimates Kamloops will need to switch to low-carbon heating systems, such as electric heat pumps, and retrofit 2.5% of existing homes every year from now through 2050.

This infographic shows the scale of the retrofits, investment, and carbon pollution reductions needed.

Find more resources to help local governments accelerate deep retrofits.


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The Pembina Institute is leading the Reframed Initiative, which aims to scale up deep retrofits for healthy, resilient, and low-carbon housing. Get involved.


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