New methane reductions funding from Energy Efficiency Alberta is a good start

Pembina Institute reacts to new Government of Alberta methane reductions program

Photo: Roberta Franchuk, Pembina Institute

CALGARY — Jan Gorski, responsible fossil fuels analyst at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the announcement of a new methane emissions reduction program in Alberta:

“It is great to see Alberta supporting small and medium oil and gas companies in reducing methane emissions. The Methane Emissions Reduction Program will spur early action on efforts to reduce methane emissions, which is critical to maximizing benefits. Supporting smaller companies is key to economic growth.

“The Methane Emissions Reduction Program needs to be paired with strong methane regulations that ensure credible action to reduce methane emissions. The Government of Alberta’s proposed regulations released in April 2018 fail to meet the province’s methane emissions targets and do not provide a credible regulatory approach to managing methane emissions.

“Taking action on methane is the oil and gas industry’s least expensive, most effective way to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and drive innovation in their operations.”




Jan Gorski
Analyst, Responsible Fossil Fuels

Michelle Bartleman (English / français)
Communications Lead



Op-ed: Curbing methane pollution demands accurate reporting (July 2018)

Reacts: New federal methane regulations a vital step in implementing Canada’s climate plan (April 2018)

Alberta proposed draft regulations released in April this year, which the Pembina Institute believes fail to meet the province’s own 45 per cent emission reduction goal. These regulations were created after a consultation process in which the Pembina Institute participated in, that failed to reach consensus.


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