B.C. business leader Leonard Schein joins Pembina Institute board of directors

Philanthropist supports a clean growth century for Canada

VANCOUVER / COAST SALISH TERRITORY — Prominent movie-industry veteran Leonard Schein is putting climate action and clean growth in the spotlight with his appointment to the Pembina Institute’s board of directors.

Best known as the founder of the Vancouver International Film Festival and Festival Cinemas, Schein brings a wealth of business experience and cultural leadership to the clean energy think-tank.

Schein has served on the boards of many organizations, including the Canadian Cancer Society, Vancouver Economic Development Commission, Cambie Village Business Association, Vancouver Fringe Festival, Ecojustice, and Coast Mental Health Foundation. The philanthropist and retired psychologist is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, B.C. Community Achievement Award, and Mayor’s Arts Award for Philanthropy, and was inducted into the B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame in 2014.

The Pembina Institute advocates for strong, effective policies to support Canada’s clean energy transition. The non-profit organization has offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Toronto.


“The Pembina Institute is Canada’s leading clean energy think-tank. Our work on climate policy, pricing carbon pollution, energy efficient buildings, and other solutions is helping to set the stage for a clean growth century in B.C. and Canada. I’m proud to join the Pembina Institute’s board of directors and do my part to see that we don’t miss out on the economic opportunities of the global energy transition already underway.”
— Leonard Schein, board member, Pembina Institute

“Leonard Schein is highly respected for his business acumen and cultural contributions, and is committed to putting B.C. and Canada on a path to a sustainable future. We are thrilled to have Leonard join our board of directors and help the Pembina Institute advance its work on solutions to today’s greatest energy challenges.”
— Ed Whittingham, executive director, Pembina Institute


Learn more about the Pembina Institute: www.pembina.org

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Stephen Hui
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute
Tw: @StephenHui

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